Latest News: October 2014: Our busiest month on record!
Our forward-thinking design manager, Qarib, was kept busy last month visiting new clients to the north, south, east and west of the capital. Indeed, October was our busiest month on record with 21 new Design Instructions for our fixed fee £2,995 + VAT design phase package. Four of these instructions were for a Side Return and Loft, and we were delighted to be instructed by two neighbours colloborating in Calvert Road, Greenwich SE10. This was the 10th 'lateral double' so far this year and it makes a great deal of sense to colloborate with your neighbour when planning a Side Return Extension.
We would like to say a big thank you to our new clients in the following locations:
Amott Road SE15
Calvert Road SE10 (double instruction from two neighbours)
Carlyle W5 (Side Return & Loft)
Chadwick Road SE15
Chatsworth Way SE27
Cressida Road N19
Dagnall Park SE25
Danby Street SE15 (Side Return & Loft)
Earl Road SW14 (Side Return & Loft)
Farlton Road SW18
Felsham Road SW15
Fernlea Road SW12
Kimberley Road SW9
Lichfield Road, E3 (Side Return & Room Over)
Marlow Road SE20
Parolles Road N19
Plympton Road NW6
Sterndale Road W14
Stevendale Road SW6
Trevelyan Road SW17