Did you know that the right glazing can boost your home value? Choosing the right glazing is crucial for your home extension. Because glazing goes beyond just windows and doors; it can dramatically change your home’s aesthetics and functionality, making it a worthwhile investment. The right glazing can transform your home, increase natural light intake, lower energy costs and increase resale value.

From skylights to floor-to-ceiling doors, there are several options to choose from, so it’s a good idea to set some goals. Are you aiming to maximise natural light? Are you seeking a modern design? What is your glazing budget? Here are 8 key factors to consider when choosing glazing to help you achieve your home renovation dream.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a key consideration when choosing glazing for your home. Energy-efficient windows and doors can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint.

Key Features to Look For:

1- U-Value: Measures the rate of heat transfer through the window. The lower, the U-Value, the better the insulation.

2- Gas Fills: Double or triple glazing filled with gases like argon or krypton provides better insulation than air.

3- Low-E (Low Emissivity) Coatings: Thin metallic layers applied to the glass reflect heat, offering up to 40% more efficiency than traditional double glazing.

Additionally, consider the placement of your windows. Low-E glass is particularly effective in north or east facing windows where more heat is lost, while south or west facing windows benefit from solar control glass to prevent overheating.


Sustainability is another important factor. Choosing eco-friendly and sustainable materials not only benefits the environment but can also contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your glazing.

Consider using recycled glass to reduce environmental impact, choosing a glazing provider that adheres to sustainable practices and opting for materials like aluminium that are long-lasting and can be recycled repeatedly, making them an eco-friendly choice.

Investing in quality windows and doors made from durable materials ensures they last longer, reducing the need for replacements and minimising waste.

Noise Insulation

If soundproofing is a priority, especially if you live on a busy road, choosing glazing that offers the best noise insulation is essential. The thicker the glass, the better the noise reduction, particularly with double or triple glazing with various glass thicknesses.

Like with energy efficiency, gasses like argon and krypton can also help decrease noise. You could also choose laminated glass, which features a thin layer of PVB (polyvinyl butyral) between the panes, reducing soundwaves and adding stability to the glass.


The style of your glazing plays a significant role in the overall look and feel of your home. Whether you’re aiming for a contemporary or traditional design, your choice of material and glazing configurations can make a big difference. Here are a few examples below.

Contemporary Look:

1- Statement Glazing: Floor-to-ceiling windows, large sliding or bifold doors and arched windows and doors in aluminium or steel.

2- Minimalism: Wide glass sheets and minimalist frames with clean, simple lines for open views.

3- Open-Plan Designs: Extensive glazing that blends your interior with the outdoors or carefully placed windows and skylights for a more subtle approach.

Traditional Look:

1- Timber Sash Windows: Ideal for listed buildings or homes on traditional streets.

2- Ornate Design: Smaller glass panels with more timber framework ranging in design and complexity.

3- French Doors: Offer an elegant, old-school feel that compliments traditional aesthetics.

Natural Light

Maximising natural light is a significant factor in glazing choices. Skylights, large glass panels and strategically placed windows can make a substantial difference. Position more windows in south and west-facing parts of the house to catch the warmest sunlight. For a cooler atmosphere, maximise windows on the north and east sides.

Internal windows and doors can help darker rooms borrow light from brighter areas, creating a more open and spacious feel. They can also provide views into other parts of the house or garden, enhancing the sense of openness.

Natural light affects everything from interior aesthetics to occupants’ mood and well-being. Consulting with professionals, such as architects and glazing specialists, can help you develop a bespoke glazing scheme that optimises natural light for your home.


Security is a crucial factor when choosing glazing. Double or triple glazing plays a pivotal role in enhancing security by providing an additional extra barrier against potential intrusions.

Upgrading your glazing is so important here, as old timber windows, particularly single-glazed pose a higher security risk compared to modern alternatives. Newer windows not only offer improved structural integrity but also feature advanced multi-point locking systems. These systems distribute the locking points along the frame, reducing stress on the hinges and contributing to the longevity of the windows.

By fortifying your windows and doors with modern security features, you can significantly bolster your home’s overall safety and protection and your own peace of mind.

Long-Term Value

Finally, consider how your glazing choices will affect your home’s long-term value. Think of glazing as an investment. High-quality glazing that offers significant energy efficiency, protection, timeless style and ample natural light will provide better returns in the future.

Spending more initially on quality glazing pays off through lower energy bills, enhanced comfort and increased home value. High-quality glazing not only improves your living experience but also appeals to potential buyers should you decide to sell your home.

Investing time and resources in selecting the best glazing options can transform your home, making it more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and valuable. If you’re planning a renovation and need profession advice, contact Build Team today and embark on a seamless journey to transform your home with our expertly guided and comprehensive extension services.