There are a number of different planning applications, each of which will suit different residential extension designs. Discussed below are 7 different treatments for common extensions or alterations to residential properties.
Permitted Development
Arguably the most straightforward extension type would be that which falls within your Permitted Development Rights.
Typical Permitted Development extensions include the formation of a loft dormer and small ground floor side return and rear extensions. The Nationwide Policy strips the Local Authority of any power to control the development (so long as it falls within the set parameters detailed in the Permitted Development Technical Guidance), thus you have the right to alter/extend to your heart’s content.
It is suggested that an application is made to the local authority to gain a Certificate of Lawfulness before works begin on site, providing evidence the development is permitted.

Prior Approval
Prior Approval offers some extension of the opportunities available under Permitted Development. Certain extensions may be too large to be classified as Permitted Development however would not require a ‘planning application’ as they would fall under Prior Approval. The Prior Approval process does involve a free submission to the local authority and your neighbours will be able to make comments on the application, which is not possible when seeking a Certificate of Lawfulness. Generally larger side return or rear extensions fall within the Prior Approval parameters and in some cases allow for a larger extension than would be possible under a ‘planning application’.
In certain areas, rights to Permitted Development and thus Prior Approval may have been blocked though the implementation of an Article 4 Direction or through a condition of a previous planning application. Typically new build properties or those situated within Conservation Areas would be restricted from exercising their Permitted Development and Prior Approval rights.

Householder Planning
Depending on your properties location within certain designated areas and condition in relation to the neighbouring properties will determine which ‘planning application’ is most appropriate.
If your extension is too large or in the incorrect location to fall within Permitted Development or Prior Approval, a Householder Planning Application is likely to be the correct route for approval of the scheme. This application covers properties where the extension seeks to gain more than or something different. A Householder Planning Application is extremely common when designing wraparound, side extensions and courtyard extensions.

Householder Planning and Demolition in a Conservation Area
If the property is in a Conservation Area, a similar application to the above is most often appropriate. ‘Householder Planning and Demolition within a Conservation Area’ covers most extensions and alterations for the property in question, regardless of how small the addition or alteration might be. Further, if you are within an area with an enforced Article 4 Direction, a Householder Planning Application would be essential for any alteration or extension.

Full Planning
A ‘Full Planning Application’ is typically suited to flats and maisonettes. The most common sign is that the property is situated within a shared building, usually within a converted house. Similarly to properties within a conservation area, alterations and extensions of any scale are likely to require planning permission.
The timeframe for each of the applications is very similar, with the determination date set 8 weeks following validation of the application.
Listed Building Consent
Listed Building Consent would be appropriate for any alteration to a Listed Building. It is possible to identify the classification (Grade II, II* and I) and the reasons for the listing and protection online through Historic England.
In the case of Listed Building Consent we would advice that the council would be consulted through the Pre-Planning process. This would further inform the designer and give a greater understanding of why the building is listed and make sure the council requirements are understood, in terms of what is achievable at the property, before a formal application is made.

Locally Listed Heritage Assets
Some properties, although do feature on the list, may be identified as Locally Listed Heritage Assets. While there would be no additional planning control it is likely these properties would require a planning application to the local authority for any alteration and the importance will likely be a factor in the consideration of the proposal.

Our Architectural Designers would be the best place the start should you have questions on which application would suit you best. Give our Enquires Team a call on 0207 495 6561 to arrange a Design Consultation with a Designer who can give you advice and discuss the feasibility of your project.